Thursday 1 April 2010

New Beginning

Finally, my TV blog!Well, mostly TV.There will be posts of other very very very trivial things going on in my life.I split up my previous blog, even though I didn't like the idea much, so I can write about TV stuff more freely.This is why I had to extract the posts I wrote concerning TV shows on my previous blog and place them here,but pay no attention to the date.I copied and then pasted the old entries to new ones here,so they all have the same date.Furthermore, I had tons of posts about TV series in my old blog, but since they were in greek and this blog is in english(duh!),I had to delete them. Snif, it was awful that I had to do that, but no way am I going to translate all these entries,dating nearly a year back in english.The only post I kept which is is written in greek, is Lost's Season 06 premier.I just couldn't delete that one.Other than that, the others are all gone :(
Anyway, this is it-most definitely changes in the layout will happen in time.
I hope you enjoy :)

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