Saturday 10 April 2010

WATCHING : Survivor S20 EP 08


Heroes won.Both challenges.Coach is out.Bored.
However, 2 extremely important things happened in this episode: 
  1. Heroes think that because Rob is out, there is a dominating women's alliance at the Villains' camp.WHAT????? I knew the Heroes were stupid, but I didn't think they'd be THAT stupid.And JT whispering to Russell to hang in there??Are you freaking kidding me???Of course, Russell ,the ultimate evil that he is, immediately picked up on this, and I could already hear the cogs in his brain turning, trying to work this unexpected gift to his advantage.And he has every right to.He's playing with a bunch of morons to win a million dollars.It's a fact.Also, getting rid of Coach,without even voting against him,strengthens the "Women are out to get the men" notion.Brilliant!
  2. Next week's episode preview.Oh My God!!!!!If there is a merge in the next episode ,and something tells me there will be, and JT actually does what he says he'll do,give Russell the hidden immunity idol so that he can rescue the men from all the blood sucking women over there and no other member of the Heroes tribe even tries to oppose to that,he might as well give him the money right there and then,because, without a doubt,Russell will be the winner. It will top all of the other stupid moves that went on in the game of Survivor, that's for sure.Or maybe it's just another smart editing,who knows? Ahhh, can't wait for next week!!!
ps.What's Colby still doing there??
pps.Coach is the first member of the jury.Just thought I'd mention it.

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