Friday 2 April 2010

WATCHING : Survivor S20 EP 07


When this season of Survivor started, I was supporting the Heroes full heartedly. There were people in the Villains' tribe,I wished I'd never have to see again-ever!I mean Coach,Russel,Tyson and Rob??Come on!Blah!
Then Heroes collapsed like a flan in a cupboard.Suddenly I started looking at the villains' camp with new eyes.Again Tyson justified my opinion of him, not a surprise.Stupid, stupid man.Coach I still don't like and probably(surely) never will.And that leaves us with Russel and Rob.And I am telling you now that not in a million years did I think that I would ever bring myself to like Boston Rob. Russel is so disgusting and lame,a slimy little troll indeed,I can't stand the sight of him,that Rob seemed liked the most honourable man in comparison.But all that is pointless, because Rob is unfortunately out of the game.Way too early.The main reason I was so excited to watch Survivor every week, was to see Rob trying to get rid of Russel or Parvati and vise versa.Now Russell, the king of all things evil, will rule and lead his little concubine herd to the merge, until-crossing fingers-someone with half a brain, will decide to take him out. Doubtful, since the played hidden immunity idols are back in the game and he will probably find them all buried in the jugle calling to him and will lie in bed with them and stroke them every night .The only ones I trust with this unbearable task-kill the Devil- are J.T and Parvati, who I also can't stand.Yeah, yeah, Parvati and Russell are great players and blah blah, but do you really wanna tune in every week and watch them talk complete rubbish and being ridiculous,without no one,and that is I think the most nerve wracking thing,thinking that they should have thrown them out at the very first tribal council? I know I can't stand it.
Oi, I'm afraid it's gonna be a loooong season!
As for the mutineers, Jerri and Coach, I will only say this : Jerri-I'm giving you 3-4 weeks, tops.Let's see how you like it when Russell, who you trust so much, even though you know nothing about him,will throw you out of the game when you've served your purpose.
Coach - I think Rob's line as he was leaving the tribal council says it all : "You're a little man".

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