Friday, 7 May 2010

WATCHING : Lost - The Candidate


This episode was so unequal, as unequal things go I guess.I felt so much emotions watching it.Anger, frustration, sadness, anguish, excitement, astonishment,disappointment.

I will explain,in brief :
Anger and frustration, because I didn't like the first half of the episode at all.It was the same old stuff, written in a different way.Totally wasted precious Lost time.If it was in any other episode, in every other season, it would still suck, but not as it sucked being part of one of the last five ever Lost episodes.Apart from a few, very few, exceptions, all the FSs were the same : someone from the plane meets someone else from the plane and we have to understand,like we didn't the first 50 times!,that everyone is connected.We get it,OK?We're not stupid!Well, not all of us!So anger and frustration because I couldn't believe I was watching the same thing for the billionth time and which,mind you,took 20 minutes?Yes,plenty!

Anguish, excitement and astonishment because of the sub scene.Thank God(or Jacob,whatever) for the sub and for Widmore or whoever brought it to the island, because it totally saved this episode.It lasted only 10 minutes(!!!),but it was all it took.When I heard Jack trying to explain MIB's strategy and that maybe he is not allowed to kill the candidates and he wants them to kill each other so he can leave, and then with the bomb and Sayid telling Jack where to find Desmond and that he is the one,I sat up on my bed and I literally gasped.Not that it was the most unexpected thing in the world, but to me it meant a lot, because nothing has made me spring from my bed in such a long time and I felt like it was long overdue and I needed it.It felt like watching Season 01-02 all over again, and I loved every minute of it!

Sadness because Sayid died(who would have thought?)sacrificing himself and disappointment because of the way they chose to disgrace Sun and Jin's characters.Maybe I'm overreacting, but that's what I think.To have them talk english,english!!!!,after being apart for 3 years(Lost time) and then to force, no, practically demand viewer's to be sad because they died, is unbelievably disappointing, especially after such a strong scene(sub).And the hands...give me a break!You're nor shooting Titanic!This is Lost!14th episode of the last season!Only 4 left!Why do something so cheesy and cheap?After giving us Charlie's death scene which was amazing, I thought they wouldn't dare play it safe.I was wrong.

If the next episode,Jacob and MIB centered,falls flat,I'm losing all hope for the finale.Like I said : I'm not giving up on Lost,I'd never do that.Unless of course it gives me a reason to give up on it.


  1. Yes, I was disappointed in the Sun/Jin death scene. They dragged out their seperation for over 2 years only to have a brief, lame reunion and then killed them off shortly after! And I'm also weary of the same flashsideways themes... everyone is connected, everyone has a mirror image, yes we got it! I hope the last few eppys are packed with answers and action!

  2. The next ep looks amazing.But you never know with these guys.They might be holding back just to stun us in the end and make everybody eat their words. Doubtful, but not impossible.
