Wednesday 26 May 2010

WATCHING : Lost - The End



Here endeth Lost.

I've watched the finale on Monday night.I've prepared some kind of ritual beforehand, switched off all phones, turned off all the lights and hit Play, prepared to watch the final episode of a series I've been a huge fan of for 6 years.After 1h and 44mins of literally not moving from my seat and not making any sound, it ended.I decided to let some time pass, because I wanted to be completely unaffected emotionally and mentally before writing this review.I can't say it worked, since I am still indecisive and torn. Loved it, hated it,are both very strong words and I didn't want it to come down to either/or.But then again, Lost was all about extremes this past 6 years, and the finale was no different.
But more to the point.Which is basically one:did it worth it?And the answer,in my mind, can be only one:Yes.It did.

I won't try to persuade you that I was not pissed, because I was.I was one of many that was desperately hungry for answers.Answers to the numerous questions the writers themselves had posed in every single episode.I was not deluded of course and I knew that I was not gonna get them, at least not all of them.But I still needed some, any! explanation of some basic stuff that went on.In the end I realised answers were not necessary.Which made the questions unnecessary as well, which only makes you wonder why the hell they existed in the first place.Why insert all these perplexing and unexplainable situations when you know that, as a creator, you are not going to at least try to make some sense out of?Why go to all this trouble to create such an intriguing and mysterious plot and have millions of viewers going through the web searching for information in the hopes of making heads or tails of this untangleable mess,only to remind them that you know, this is a character series after all.I don't mind it being a character series at all,that's what I loved about in the first place.But why not try to have a good character series with a decent plot at the same time?Why putting your all in constantly enriching the plot if in the end, it basically didn't matter?And to insist that they have known the end from the beginning, only makes it worse.That was the only real complaint I had watching the finale.Why all this?

That being said, I found myself wondering "Why NOT all this?"It was a story, a farytale, about a group of people who went through incredible emotional and physical ordeals, which made it extremely difficult for them to let go after they died.People that have created a safe haven, a sanctuary where they could all meet with one another and move on to a different place, a higher existence.That's it.Unfortunately when you have thrown in all these sci fi and fantasy stuff and then try to wrap it all up with a religious and metaphysical ribbon, you must be fully aware that it will definitely not gonna sit well with a lot of people, and it's completely understandable.
You see, I started writing this review trying really hard to be unbiased and unattached but I can't, I keep going back and forth, like it-disike it-like it again-dislike it again.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I am really, really sad that Lost has ended and I strongly believe that there is not gonna be another series like it.I enjoyed it full heartedly all these years and even though the final episode did not fully satisfy me, hey, it was just another episode.I will never forget the times it made me laugh, the times it made me cry, the times it made me sit up and yell at the screen, the times when I just couldn't wait to see "the next episode", the countless hours I researched on the net, the numerous conversations and arguments I had with friends about it,everything.If that doesn't make a great show, then what is?  
I will always remember it fondly and love it with all my heart.


  1. I felt the same way at my initial reaction. I loved it but hated the last 15 minutes. But then I re-watched it. First I fast forwarded through all the off island stuff and just watched the on-island story. Then I watched just the off-island story. I enjoyed it better when I separated the two storylines. It made more sense. And I cried harder the second time around. I wasn't bothered by the unanswered quesions. I like to make up my own stories about what happened. Because the answers they give usually don't satisfy me anyways. The numbers, the whispers....those answers were too simple for me. I was hoping for something more in depth. So I prefer just to answer the questions myself. But I loved this series and these characters with forever be engrained in my heart!

  2. I liked it better the second time,too.I don't know, because I realised some things I didn't get the first time around.Mainly I think because I was so eager to get to the bottom of it all, I kinda lost the point.Not that all became clear all of a sudden,but somewhat more right, in lack of a better word.The 6 year journey was all that mattered I guess in the end.

  3. Me too. I missed alot of what Christian said at the end because I was in shock. After the dvd is released, I want to watch the whole series again. I bet alot of things will make more sense now that I know the ending.

  4. OMG me too!When Christian spoke it was like white noise in my head.My mouth was hanging open and I just couldn't understand a word he was saying.That's why the finale definitely needs and deserves a second viewing.

  5. I heard that the dvd will have unseen footage. Like a scene with Hurley and Ben running the island together, and there's suppose to be something about Walt. So they might address alot of unanswered questions on the dvd. Can't wait for that! It comes out in August.

  6. Walt?It'd be interesting to see him after all this time.
    I want to buy the box set with all the seasons, I think it comes out in August as well.But then again so many great books come out in August so you see the predicament I'm in!Maybe I'll wait till I have a Blu Ray player and buy the whole thing in BR.

  7. Yes I was thinking about getting the whole set on Blue Ray but I'd have to buy the player too so I'd have to wait until Christmas. If I'm going to pay that much money for the boxed set, I'd want to invest in Blue Ray. I'm sure the Hawaii scenery would look incredible!

  8. I've watched the last season in HD and it was great but it's not the same as BR. Unfortunately my MAC does not have a BR player :(
