Thursday, 20 May 2010

WATCHING : Survivor Heroes vs Villains Finale


::DRUMROLL::And the winner is...::DRUMROLL

Sandra!*doing the crazy happy dance*.Was I surprised? Hell, yeah!Let me do a short evaluation of each finalist and tell you why:

RUSSELL : Well, he is an asshole.There was no way in hell,-you know, his home town- that he could win.Him not grasping that, is still beyond me.I just can't get it in my head how a person can be so ignorant after he went to all this trouble to show and actually be proud of his immense megalomania and self love.I mean, didn't it cross his mind even for a second, that most people don't like that?There's more to the game than strategy and he ought to know that, seeing how he lost in Season 19.But instead of changing HIS game, he expected everyone else to change THEIR vote.Such things do not and will not happen.And I am very glad they aren't.Well, they did happen once, all the way back to Season 01 and Richard Hatch,who Russel has probably idolized before going into the game.But that was 10 years ago and it was the first Survivor ever.They kinda played it by ear and unfortunately, that was the result.It is no wonder though, that no person like Richard has won Survivor since.That didn't seem to bring down Russell at all, as he continued to believe that everyone would vote for him because they ought to respect his game.When no one can respect you as a person, they cannot respect your game.It's as simple as that.As Candice said, he took it a bit too far.Malevolent things he did or said where not necessary, which means he sucked at the social game, which means he couldn't win.Even at the very end, the last tribal council, he was adamant about his actions throughout the game,  refusing luck was part of it.He didn't get a single vote and still he didn't seem to get it!Ugh!I hope we will never get to see him play the game again.

PARAVTI: She is another story entirely.Or isn't she?She played a different game than Russell, full on strategic and physical, yes, but different.She didn't back stab anyone and she stayed loyal to her alliance, even putting her neck on the line so as to secure it, when she gave both her immunity idols to Sandra and Jerri.But who gave her the idols?Russell.And the one she desperately needed when in Villains tribe to save her butt?Russell again.She was very close to Russell throughout the whole game and even though she used him as she very correctly said "Because no one else would take her", she was not the instigator she was in Fans vs Favs and I think in the end the jury couldn't tell those two apart.It was a bit unfair to Parvati because she played a hell of a game. But having to vote someone that was very close and often depended on the person you absolutely despised,is difficult and complicated. Despite all that though, I was 100% sure that she would win.But...

SANDRA:Needless to say her game compared to Russell's and Parvati's was night and day.She was not strong physically, she didn't win any individual immunities and she never had a hidden immunity.Well, except for that one time, which she actually didn't need to play it.She was also on the outs when it came to the main Villain's alliance ,Russell, Parvati and Danielle and she did everything she could to survive another day.And she did.She was also very likable.She was not out to get anyone (except Russell), she didn't have bad relationships with anyone.On the contrary, she had great relationships with the Heroes, as she desperately tried to save them after the merge, but to no avail.Heroes, whose number was big in the jury, understood that (a little too late) and they gave her the million.Being clever and opinionated, never taking crap from anyone, never being scared of Russell, all the while making him think she is no threat at all, makes her more than deserving to win in my eyes.Bravo!

Final 3 never appealed to me and I think it's a bad way to end a very good season.Final tribal proved that.It lacks the excitement of the final 2, who to chose to compete with and all that drama was,in my opinion, necessary especially this season.That being said, I think that Heroes vs. Villains was an awesome season with, though it didn't look that way at first, fantastic players.

Next stop : Nicaragua!

*I can begin to describe my admiration for the man named Jeff Probst. He is just brilliant!

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