This episode made me so glad I started watching Survivor, I can't even tell you!
But let's start from the beginning:
Merge happens, and when Villains, carrying what it seems their entire camp, walk towards Heroes' beach, JT, eagle - eyed that he is, spots Parvati immediately."Wait, what's she still doing here?And Russell is here,too?OMG, I've been played!I can't believe I trusted Russell, a man I haven't spoken to for more than 2 minutes in the entire game,with my,MY,immunity idol.Oh, I swear on all that is holy and on my cattle,I'll kick him out and he won't even know what hit him!Just wait and see,Russell!"
He seemed to say.
What he did say was "Wait, is this Parvati?Wow, she must have played a hidden immunity idol, just like my Russell-boy did!Oh, fudge!"
Later, when he "confronted" Russell about it, he told him what he had planned with his concubines to say,and what the Heroes stupidly suspected : that Parvati had a hidden immunity idol,she played it and Courtney was out for some reason.And JT didn't question that for a second, saying to Rupert "See?I told you he was solid". I mean, is he for real?? I was so frustrated with him, I started laughing hysterically, because I really couldn't believe anyone can be THAT stupid, let alone a previous winner.
But then Rupert talked to Sandra, and she filled him in, saying that there never was an all-women alliance and that Russell is the kingpin and Parvati is his second in command.Rupert, despite the humungus amount of hair in his ear, listened to her and believed her.Well, not completely, God forbid!, but enough to go to the others and say "Guys, maybe we shouldn't trust Russell".JT was all "come on, man" and "you're getting paranoid" and "Russell promised to give me one of his kidneys so I believe I can trust him" and (with a chuckle) "That's why Rupert has never gone far in the game, because he doesn't know how to stategize. Hey, Rups man, leave it to the experts, OK?"
However, they all decided to play it safe and only pretend to vote Parvati, in case she indeed had a hidden immunity idol,so they would both flush out the idol and get to kick some other Villain out.In addition(yes,it gets better!)Russell is pretty anxious about Parvati getting voted out.So after a lot of thought,of about 5 seconds,he decided to give his well earned idol to Parvati, to save her bony ass AGAIN!Little did he know, that she had one already!Oh, the joke's definitely on you this time Russ!That girl is gooood!She even has THE KING (of all slimy and evil) wrapped around her finger!That's saying a lot!
Then Amanda goes and talks to her.Why on earth??She tells her that she has her back and all that nonsense and Parvati, tells her she has a hidden immunity idol.Amanda secretly likes that,because she knows that their plan is now made complete:let Parvati suspect she's out and if she doesn't win individual immunity(Danielle won,btw),she plays the hidden idol,a villain goes home and we win.We're so cunning, I can't even stand it!
Her big mouth betrayed her, when she practically forced Parvati to play the idol, telling her that she will most definitely get voted out.Of course,Parvati isn't stupid.She is the queen for a reason, you know.She knew right on the spot that Amanda was lying and she decided to do something that nobody,I mean NOBODY, would see coming.Something magical!
Tribal council.Jeff asks questions and gets evasive answers, except for Russell,as always.When Parvati said she feels like the leper of the tribe, Jeff asked her if that's because she was used to getting so much attention by everyone.Love you,Jeff.Love,love,love!
And we get to the vote.Heroes vote for Jerri and Villains for JT(obviously not that big a threat, you guys!)Jeff asks if anyone has the hidden immunity idol.Silence.All heads and cameras turn to Parvati.She reaches in her bag.Heroes nod thinking "I knew we shouldn't trust Russell!But now we know".Parvati doesn't keep the idol for herself, though.She gives it to Sandra.What the fuck????Why did she give it to her?Chocked laughter from the Heroes,thinking she gave the idol to the wrong person.And then P. reaches in her bag one more time.And gives her second idol to *drum roll* Jerri. Everyone freezes.JT moans and groans knowing he's out,Rupert looks like he's gonna tear his beard off with his bear hands and Russell,oh Russell looks piiiiiiissed!!!Because not only he didn't appreciate giving P. his idol and not even using it to save her own self, but also because she had another one he didn't know about.And you know that if you lie to Russell, you'll burn in hell for all eternity!Maybe longer!
"You have some 'splaining' to do" he told her with menace and everything went black.
Oh,JT was voted out.Under any other circumstances I would a care a little bit, but he basically kicked himself out so I couldn't care less.
So, everybody is game now.No idols(I'm sure they will plant new ones soon, just for Russell.With his name on them).Only advantage is Villains' numbers, which I wouldn't count on,because Sandra desperately wants to flip so she can vote Russell out.Now, about Russell and P. I don't think their alliance is broken, but Russell will definitely be more sceptical when it comes to her.After all, she made him look like a fool, and that is not something he is gonna forgive and forget.I enjoyed watching him look humiliated so much,that I think congrats are in order.So,cudos to P.Even though, I never liked her, she is admittedly one hell of a player!